To The Readers Of My Blog:
Thank you for reading my Blog. Now that my Blog has been up and running for abouhyt six months, let me take some time to thank you and tell you how we have been doing and where we are going and why. In a country where our politicians are impotent to make a difference even in the face of social and economic problems, we (I and my readers) are going to make a difference worldwide and are well on our way.
First, let me tell you that I am trying to inlcude trnslations of some of the posts, but I realized today that, at least a Chinese translation, was full of errors. I used Google's translation program. To test how accurately the program worked, I did a reverse translation of my Chinese translation back to English. The errors would be doubled. Nonetheless, they were extensive, and I apologize. Errors in translation may make the post seem disrespectful, insulting, inaccurate, or incoherent, for which I apologize.
As my Blog is being read worldwide, I am trying to make it easier for readers in other countries to read my Blog in their native language. I have assumed that readers of a Blog about the Arab Spring would tend to speak Arabic (if they didn't speak English) while a Blog about a protest in China would be most useful if it were translated also into Chinese (in addition to English). Whether the translation program works better in one language than another I don't know. Anyone who speaks both languages well, I would appreciate your advising me as to how accurate the translation was.
Again, I apologize for errors due to translation, as well as typographical errors. Please remember that I do this Blog out of a desire to make the world better. I know that we have already made a real and meaningful impact as readership is increasing every month, and readers of my Blog, and people who spoke with me personally and/or volunteered at my request affected a recent election for county Judge. The candidate I felt to be very unqualified lost by about 6,000 votes, which means that I affected the election if I changed the minds of 3,000 voters. My Google Blog was read by about 6,000 readers. I personally spoke with about 1,000 people, including about 250 the day of the election and a similar number on the day of the primary. Almost everyone I spoke with was appreciative of my advice and promised me that they would vote as I recommended (which was for any two of the other three candidates with my preference being the two Democrats). Because I grew up in this county and still reside here, as did and do my entire family and most of my close friends, I had a great number of family and friends who also made it a point to: (i) vote; (ii) get their spouses and friends to vote; and, (iii) spread the word to vote and to further “spread the word”, all to make sure that this one candidate for Judge was not elected. We printed and handed out thousands of paper fliers and put them on cars in local shopping centers and malls. I went on many websites and wrote my opinion of this candidate and explained why voters should not vote for him, regardless of party affiliation. We send out many many thousands of e-mails to local voters we knew. The list of activities I personally did, and those of my family and friends goes on and on. I feel rather certain that we affected the outcome of the election, and this Blog was at the center of our success.
This lawyer was well “connected” and a partner at a large law firm. He was also well funded. Even though he ran as a Republican, and Democrats did surprisingly well, he was almost a “shoe in” to win, given the votes and influence of the collective members of his law firm and their clients and friends.
It is inconceivable that we did not, at a minimum, make it a close election, and perhaps, at best, change the outcome of this election. Even if he would have lost anyway, we certainly changed what would have been a close loss into an embarrassing and costly defeat. Now, my Blog is picking up an ever increasing number of readers, both local, statewide, across the USA, and World-Wide and I intend to increase my activities to increase legal and social justice.
I can determine that my Blog is having a greater international readership because Google keeps track about certain information relating to viewers, such as what country they come from, which web pages they visit, etc. So I know, for example, that in the approximately six months since I started the Blog, I have had 412 people from China and even 38 just from Poland. This is the information for my Google Blog. The Mirror Blog, on WordPress.Com, also keeps track of the number of readers but not where they are from and other detailed information provided by Google, Currently, at the rate we are going now, the Google Blog alone is getting about 2,000 readers a month, and this number is increasing rapidly. This is very important because, as my disgust at the paralysis in America grows, my concern over foreign events increases. For example, as I write this, non-violent protesters are being slaughtered in Syria because they seek basic legal rights and social justice.
Aside from my 12 year old son who helps make the Blog visually better with some HTML coding, I do everything related to this Blog, and my other political activities, myself including: (i) researching the Blog and identifying useful hypertext links; (ii) writing the Blog articles/posts myself, including proof reading (and it is always bad to proof read your own material but I have no choice); (iii) the basic internet steps such as posting the post/article to both of my web sites (I have two sites with the same articles as Google's Blogger may not be accessible in every country I am told); and, (iv) non-commercial promotion of the Blog such as making sure it is indexed promptly by the search engines and joining other web sites and chat rooms and advising readers of other web sites which are on the topics of my Blog of the existence of my Blog and its position on the subject being discussed in that other web site/Blog site [especially when my ability to comment may be severely limited in terms of space restrictions imposed by the Blog or Web Site on comments]. Despite the one or two advertisements which appear (Google put them on), I have never received a penny in revenue for my efforts.
So as I work diligently without compensation to follow my convictions and try to affect this world in a positive manner, you can help me if you want by commenting or e-mailing, and more importantly, joining my Blog group and linking your web site, FaceBook or other internet account to my Blog, or in any way directing traffic to my Blog.
Also, please feel free to submit your own article, even if it opposes my opinions. Of all the issues I feel the strongest about, I believe that the freedom of speech and the airing of diverse and controversial points of view (even if I am certain they are wrong) is in the best interests of the public, in general, and of journalism, in particular. I am treating my Blog as a journalistic endeavor and I have a background in both freedom of press advocacy and journalism itself. It is my strongest goal to make this Blog a well-reasoned, fair, and influential voice against oppression and injustice and to speak out on behalf of those who cannot.
My ability to be more than “just another voice with an opinion” comes from, in addition to the research I do for my articles, I base my Blog on my knowledge of economics as an economics major from the Wharton School of Business, my knowledge of the law and international business and relations as a lawyer who practiced law for ¼ a century including with a diverse international practice also my education as a lawyer from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. My knowledge of current history and politics comes by closely following, witnessing, living through, and reading extensively about the events of the last ½ a century and about which I write. When I am not uniquely qualified to have an opinion, I remain silent even if I have a strong opinion.
For example, even though I was too young and too far away to remember or have experienced the Vietnam War or the events in China decades ago, due especially to my interest in China, for example, I have read, in the last five years, perhaps 30-40 books about events, politics, policies, and people in China. These books are from people who either played a role or witnessed events which affected China in the last century. Examples include books on major (but relatively unknown in America) politicians in China such as Lin Biao and Zhou Zhiyang, books by ordinary people who lived through and experienced events such as the Cultural Revolution, and books by or about central players in the governments of both America and China during these periods such as Kissinger’s Book on China and Gao Wenqian’s biography of Zhou Enlai. Some of my research comes directly from publications funded and/or sponsored by the government of China while others come from sources and books banned in China, such as Gao Wenqian’s biography of Zhou Enlai.
Surprisingly, my respect for the leaders of China and the Communist Party [I am a democrat and not a communist and I am a strong supporter or President Obama – my ability to respect a leader such as Zhou Enlai of China is no different from my ability to respect and learn from other religions even though I do not personally practice them (I practice my own religion)) and its efforts to improve the living standards of the Chinese population comes from books which are banned in China. It is incredible but even when one Chinese official criticizes another for his/her position, the intellectual level of the controversy and the dedication of those involved on both sides of the controversy give me a respect for the people who ran China even when China was considered hostile to America
I find that the reflexive fear and hatred Americans were taught about Communism in general during the 1960’s, for example, (when I was born) was misguided and arose not from some inherent evil in Communism or its leaders, but through the perversion of Communism and actions taken in the name of Communism or supposedly on behalf of a Communist nation by a small number of people. Those actions served no one’s interests and followed no recognized economic theories or political platforms except the personal agendas, enrichment and power seeking of the select few who took those actions. In short, those people, like Stalin and Pol Pot, turned their governments into another form of a disguised oppressive dictatorship. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous damage done by such a few people, a tremendous number of people who were brave, honest, and true dedicated believers were given a bad name or are totally unknown. We only can begin to know the names of some of the surviving and successful people who came to power. For example, in the Communist revolution in China, tens of thousands of people (perhaps more) risked everything and gave everything and asked nothing to try to improve life in China for all of the Chinese people believing that Communism was the way to do that. During the battles and the “Long March”, these people gave even their lives so we don’t even know their names and no records exist to document their existence, heroic actions, and selfless motivations.
So this is the basis for my motivation for my writing by Blog and the basis on which I write the articles I do. Again, as I do it all myself, I apologize for typographical errors, translation errors, etc. Please feel free to help me out by helping to promote readership to my Blog. Since the blog is growing in influence and is already affecting the world we live in, it is worth your efforts. Since I believe in non-violent inclusion and engagement, even if you disagree with me your efforts will not be destructive or harmful to anyone.
Thanks for reading,
David M. Ginsberg
Click Here to E-Mail Me
Click Here to Go to the Main Page of My Google Blog
Thank you for reading my Blog. Now that my Blog has been up and running for abouhyt six months, let me take some time to thank you and tell you how we have been doing and where we are going and why. In a country where our politicians are impotent to make a difference even in the face of social and economic problems, we (I and my readers) are going to make a difference worldwide and are well on our way.
First, let me tell you that I am trying to inlcude trnslations of some of the posts, but I realized today that, at least a Chinese translation, was full of errors. I used Google's translation program. To test how accurately the program worked, I did a reverse translation of my Chinese translation back to English. The errors would be doubled. Nonetheless, they were extensive, and I apologize. Errors in translation may make the post seem disrespectful, insulting, inaccurate, or incoherent, for which I apologize.
As my Blog is being read worldwide, I am trying to make it easier for readers in other countries to read my Blog in their native language. I have assumed that readers of a Blog about the Arab Spring would tend to speak Arabic (if they didn't speak English) while a Blog about a protest in China would be most useful if it were translated also into Chinese (in addition to English). Whether the translation program works better in one language than another I don't know. Anyone who speaks both languages well, I would appreciate your advising me as to how accurate the translation was.
Again, I apologize for errors due to translation, as well as typographical errors. Please remember that I do this Blog out of a desire to make the world better. I know that we have already made a real and meaningful impact as readership is increasing every month, and readers of my Blog, and people who spoke with me personally and/or volunteered at my request affected a recent election for county Judge. The candidate I felt to be very unqualified lost by about 6,000 votes, which means that I affected the election if I changed the minds of 3,000 voters. My Google Blog was read by about 6,000 readers. I personally spoke with about 1,000 people, including about 250 the day of the election and a similar number on the day of the primary. Almost everyone I spoke with was appreciative of my advice and promised me that they would vote as I recommended (which was for any two of the other three candidates with my preference being the two Democrats). Because I grew up in this county and still reside here, as did and do my entire family and most of my close friends, I had a great number of family and friends who also made it a point to: (i) vote; (ii) get their spouses and friends to vote; and, (iii) spread the word to vote and to further “spread the word”, all to make sure that this one candidate for Judge was not elected. We printed and handed out thousands of paper fliers and put them on cars in local shopping centers and malls. I went on many websites and wrote my opinion of this candidate and explained why voters should not vote for him, regardless of party affiliation. We send out many many thousands of e-mails to local voters we knew. The list of activities I personally did, and those of my family and friends goes on and on. I feel rather certain that we affected the outcome of the election, and this Blog was at the center of our success.
This lawyer was well “connected” and a partner at a large law firm. He was also well funded. Even though he ran as a Republican, and Democrats did surprisingly well, he was almost a “shoe in” to win, given the votes and influence of the collective members of his law firm and their clients and friends.
It is inconceivable that we did not, at a minimum, make it a close election, and perhaps, at best, change the outcome of this election. Even if he would have lost anyway, we certainly changed what would have been a close loss into an embarrassing and costly defeat. Now, my Blog is picking up an ever increasing number of readers, both local, statewide, across the USA, and World-Wide and I intend to increase my activities to increase legal and social justice.
I can determine that my Blog is having a greater international readership because Google keeps track about certain information relating to viewers, such as what country they come from, which web pages they visit, etc. So I know, for example, that in the approximately six months since I started the Blog, I have had 412 people from China and even 38 just from Poland. This is the information for my Google Blog. The Mirror Blog, on WordPress.Com, also keeps track of the number of readers but not where they are from and other detailed information provided by Google, Currently, at the rate we are going now, the Google Blog alone is getting about 2,000 readers a month, and this number is increasing rapidly. This is very important because, as my disgust at the paralysis in America grows, my concern over foreign events increases. For example, as I write this, non-violent protesters are being slaughtered in Syria because they seek basic legal rights and social justice.
Aside from my 12 year old son who helps make the Blog visually better with some HTML coding, I do everything related to this Blog, and my other political activities, myself including: (i) researching the Blog and identifying useful hypertext links; (ii) writing the Blog articles/posts myself, including proof reading (and it is always bad to proof read your own material but I have no choice); (iii) the basic internet steps such as posting the post/article to both of my web sites (I have two sites with the same articles as Google's Blogger may not be accessible in every country I am told); and, (iv) non-commercial promotion of the Blog such as making sure it is indexed promptly by the search engines and joining other web sites and chat rooms and advising readers of other web sites which are on the topics of my Blog of the existence of my Blog and its position on the subject being discussed in that other web site/Blog site [especially when my ability to comment may be severely limited in terms of space restrictions imposed by the Blog or Web Site on comments]. Despite the one or two advertisements which appear (Google put them on), I have never received a penny in revenue for my efforts.
So as I work diligently without compensation to follow my convictions and try to affect this world in a positive manner, you can help me if you want by commenting or e-mailing, and more importantly, joining my Blog group and linking your web site, FaceBook or other internet account to my Blog, or in any way directing traffic to my Blog.
Also, please feel free to submit your own article, even if it opposes my opinions. Of all the issues I feel the strongest about, I believe that the freedom of speech and the airing of diverse and controversial points of view (even if I am certain they are wrong) is in the best interests of the public, in general, and of journalism, in particular. I am treating my Blog as a journalistic endeavor and I have a background in both freedom of press advocacy and journalism itself. It is my strongest goal to make this Blog a well-reasoned, fair, and influential voice against oppression and injustice and to speak out on behalf of those who cannot.
My ability to be more than “just another voice with an opinion” comes from, in addition to the research I do for my articles, I base my Blog on my knowledge of economics as an economics major from the Wharton School of Business, my knowledge of the law and international business and relations as a lawyer who practiced law for ¼ a century including with a diverse international practice also my education as a lawyer from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. My knowledge of current history and politics comes by closely following, witnessing, living through, and reading extensively about the events of the last ½ a century and about which I write. When I am not uniquely qualified to have an opinion, I remain silent even if I have a strong opinion.
For example, even though I was too young and too far away to remember or have experienced the Vietnam War or the events in China decades ago, due especially to my interest in China, for example, I have read, in the last five years, perhaps 30-40 books about events, politics, policies, and people in China. These books are from people who either played a role or witnessed events which affected China in the last century. Examples include books on major (but relatively unknown in America) politicians in China such as Lin Biao and Zhou Zhiyang, books by ordinary people who lived through and experienced events such as the Cultural Revolution, and books by or about central players in the governments of both America and China during these periods such as Kissinger’s Book on China and Gao Wenqian’s biography of Zhou Enlai. Some of my research comes directly from publications funded and/or sponsored by the government of China while others come from sources and books banned in China, such as Gao Wenqian’s biography of Zhou Enlai.
Surprisingly, my respect for the leaders of China and the Communist Party [I am a democrat and not a communist and I am a strong supporter or President Obama – my ability to respect a leader such as Zhou Enlai of China is no different from my ability to respect and learn from other religions even though I do not personally practice them (I practice my own religion)) and its efforts to improve the living standards of the Chinese population comes from books which are banned in China. It is incredible but even when one Chinese official criticizes another for his/her position, the intellectual level of the controversy and the dedication of those involved on both sides of the controversy give me a respect for the people who ran China even when China was considered hostile to America
I find that the reflexive fear and hatred Americans were taught about Communism in general during the 1960’s, for example, (when I was born) was misguided and arose not from some inherent evil in Communism or its leaders, but through the perversion of Communism and actions taken in the name of Communism or supposedly on behalf of a Communist nation by a small number of people. Those actions served no one’s interests and followed no recognized economic theories or political platforms except the personal agendas, enrichment and power seeking of the select few who took those actions. In short, those people, like Stalin and Pol Pot, turned their governments into another form of a disguised oppressive dictatorship. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous damage done by such a few people, a tremendous number of people who were brave, honest, and true dedicated believers were given a bad name or are totally unknown. We only can begin to know the names of some of the surviving and successful people who came to power. For example, in the Communist revolution in China, tens of thousands of people (perhaps more) risked everything and gave everything and asked nothing to try to improve life in China for all of the Chinese people believing that Communism was the way to do that. During the battles and the “Long March”, these people gave even their lives so we don’t even know their names and no records exist to document their existence, heroic actions, and selfless motivations.
So this is the basis for my motivation for my writing by Blog and the basis on which I write the articles I do. Again, as I do it all myself, I apologize for typographical errors, translation errors, etc. Please feel free to help me out by helping to promote readership to my Blog. Since the blog is growing in influence and is already affecting the world we live in, it is worth your efforts. Since I believe in non-violent inclusion and engagement, even if you disagree with me your efforts will not be destructive or harmful to anyone.
Thanks for reading,
David M. Ginsberg
Click Here to E-Mail Me
Click Here to Go to the Main Page of My Google Blog
I really like your blog mine is not as good yet but why don't you check it out at